Life & Wellness
Stop and Smell Roses
“Take time out of one’s busy schedule to enjoy or appreciate the beauty of life.”
The rush seems to rule the day. Rushing to get somewhere, to get something done, to beat the crowds…and for what? To move on to the next thing that needs to be addressed. This is a real dilemma for many people; demands from family, children and parents and siblings; demands from work and the worry if you don’t get it all right you might lose your job; financial demands that require your attention and focus; demands to be healthier and to rush to the gym or get the grocery shopping done; demands from home to do the laundry, let the dog out and clean the house. The list goes on and on and on. In fact, the list never ends. You never quite get to that destination, because as soon as you get there, something pulls you onward to rush to the next place. The time to enjoy your success is often stolen by the need to move on to what’s next.
When all these happens, it’s time to stop rushing and start noticing what’s urging you on and making you crazy in the process…Stop. Breathe.